Friday, 9 April 2010

First day

I have just had my first day at CCD. I have been put in the day care centre at Baan Fung Fah which is the orphanage for children age 0 - 7. Today I was just getting a feel for what went on. I helped out in the sensory room which was really good fun. We were meant to go to Bangkok this afternoon to start our language course, but we weren't able to because of the red shirts protesting. But don't worry we are not really affected by them, we've just not to wear red, yellow or pink shirts.And not to go into Bangkok unnecessarily. Rachel (who is in charge of the volunteers) taught us a wee bit of Thai instead this afternoon, I can now count up to ten and say hello and thank you, and I should be able to remember how to say I'm hungry, that was lovely, you're beautiful and what I like, what my name is but I've kind of forgotten a lot of it already.Tonight we went out for a buffet tea at an outside place where you cook your own food over a cooker thing. Tomorrow we're going to a wee island on the river to see the markets there and also maybe see James and Rachel.

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