Tammy giggling.
Gob in the standing frame, practising some good standing.
Our last outing with the children. The same old - Major for food and ice cream, but they always enjoy it!
On one of my last days the physios took some of the children to the hydrotherapy pool and I was allowed to go in with them. The children absolutely loved the pool!!
Ploy, finding it hysterically funny sitting is a laundry basket.
Well I am back in the UK now, and missing Thailand so so much. I would love to just hop on the next flight back. I guess it will take a while to settle back into British life again. BUT, I will be going back, that is for sure! I thought I would put up a few of my last photos of work. And then I guess this is the end of my blog until I go back to Thailand.
I found your blog while searching for info on the orphanage where our precious daughter lives right now. She is in Pakkred at the baby home, although she is 2 years old. Thank you for all the pictures and stories you shared... it helps me not feel so far from her while we wait for all the paperwork to be processed! I was also tremendously blessed to know Christians are working within the home to love on the children. Thank you for your ministry there! Many blessings, Angela