So, I have arrived! After a total of about 13 hours on planes and then a 4 hour car journey from the airport (it should have only taken 1 but it was so busy!)
And yes, for all of you who have been is hot! Not perhaps quite as hot as I remember being the first time I arrived two years ago but it's getting into rainy season now, so a bit cooler. I just have to get used to feeling hot and sticky all the time. And remember and sort of effort gets you very hot! Cycling a bike here is a whole different experience to Scotland. You just have to sit on it to feel hot, far less peddle any distance. Ah well. Such is life here ;)
I have had the weekend to relax and just back into the way of life here, that mainly being the heat! And today has been a bank holiday so I've had an extra day. The weekend has been pretty relaxed, meeting friends for lunch/dinner and went to church yesterday. It is very different from Carrubbers but I'm hoping to try and listen to Wayne's online sermons so I still feel part of that :)
I head to rainbow house (CCD's-run orphanage) tomorrow to meet the volunteer co-ordinator and hopefully find out where I am working (I am really hoping for Fung fah again). So prayer would be welcomed for starting work and see difficult situations here again.
Rachel x
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