This week has been my last full week of work here in
Thailand! I can’t believe how fast three months has gone. Although it feels
like ages ago since I first arrived, the time has flown by and it’s a strange
thought to think that this time next week I’ll have been back at Carrubbers!
This year I haven’t been counting/worrying about the lack of time I have left,
I’ve just been really enjoying it. I think that’s mainly because this year I am
looking forward to being back in Edinburgh and excited for the coming year
whereas last time I really really didn’t want to come home.
I have had a lovely week. We did two volunteer organised
activities this week and two trips too. I have tried to do at least one trip a
week since being here. On Wednesday we organised messy play! It is so much fun,
I think us volunteers and staff had as much fun as the staff. I was so tempted
to completely soak Alex, but he got away with just a bit of tapioca starch down
his back and a spray with the hose. So, of course, we were super organised with planning
and went shopping for the stuff we needed on Tuesday night! We bought baked
beans, tapioca starch, two different sizes of tapioca balls, some shaving foam,
iced jelly and then we had spray can ribbon stuff. We didn’t have time to cook
it that night though so we went into work armed with all our ingredients hoping
to be able to cook it after we’d had lunch. But there was no plug for the
electric boiler they had so we had to go hunting for one. Eventually the staff
found one and we then got on with pretending we knew how to cook the tapioca
balls. Basically they start off really hard and dusty and then you boil them
and they become soft and incredibly gooey!! The kids had woken up form their
nap and so were very interested in what we were doing. We coloured them all
bright colours with food colouring too.
Looking like we know how to cook tapioca balls ;) |
End product of the large tapioca balls...a big plate of very gooey mess |
The children waiting (amazingly) patiently for messy play to stary. All credit has to go to P'Bim for this though!! |
We had a great fun afternoon of getting very wet and
messy with the children. It’s a good afternoon activity because we get four
older, more difficult to manage children, but who are all quite happy to mess
around with water and everything else we had.
Great fun! |
Lotus with tapioca hair. |
Me, Alex, Kara and P’Nan took Sua, Tee and Biw on a trip to
soft play and then for food afterwards. It was great fun. The three of them
really really enjoyed soft play. We got lots of smiles and laughs from all
three of them and Tee didn’t cry or moan which was amazing! He clearly just
loves going out of the orphanage and loves the one on one attention that he
gets on trips. We had P’Nan with us and she very kindly took us in her car
which was great.
The gorgeous Tee looking happy. |
Sua enjoying the balloons |
Biw and Sua got playing with two girls. Biw started it by doing his usual chucking balls/everything at them. It was great to be able to let him enjoy throwing them without having to tidy them up afterwards. It is really lovely when we see interaction between our kids and other children. |
Tee loving his food |
Sua enjoying his too, but he was soon fed up and went for walks pushing the buggies. But he enjoed himself which is the main thing. |
Thursday was a normal day at work but afterwards eight of
the volunteers from Sirin house (where we live) came and helped us take six
children on a trip to get food and ice cream. So there were a lot of
volunteers. We were able to take out two children who don’t normally get out,
Gob and Nielle. I knew them from two years ago, but only one of them is now a
CCD child and she doesn’t come all that often. So it was great to be able to
take them out. Gob loved his fish nuggets and chips and ice cream. He is a very
bright boy, more than able to communicate what he wanted or didn’t want. It was
fantastic to see him changed from on the ward being a solemn faced child to him
having this beautiful smile! We were pretty tired after that but Alex and I
come back and got some photos printed and made a board of photos for the staff
and children at work.
Our photo board |
Just as we were clearing it all away I heard something
rattling at the back door and turned round to see a massive lizard/gecko
climbing up the inside of the mosquito netting. It then crawled along the wall
to the kitchen cupboards. We tried to do something with it ourselves but we
were all pretty terrified so we took a picture and went to the security guard
at the end of the road. But he sent us three high/drunk Thai men from the end
of our road to our house. They stank! They went around banging cupboards but
couldn’t find it. But it made another appearance at about 11.30! We still don’t
know where it is.
Our giant gecko!! |
The random Thai men who came to try and get rid of it! |
Friday was such a lovely day. We had planned an activity for
the morning. Three boys from Rachawadee boys came and joined us for some epic
music therapy. Alex and I had to get up and do some random actions and then do
one last song for them. Then we played pass the parcel with a parcel and baby
powder as the forfeit. Then we got out face paints, balloons and bubbles. The children
had a great time. They particularly enjoyed the bubbles. We had almost all our
children out in the morning so it was very busy but such fun! And it took up
the whole morning which was great. It was Alex, Kara and I’s leaving do in the
I might try and do a short blog on Tuesday afternoon if I am
organised enough. We’ll see. So I’ll see a lot of you soon.
It's been so lovely to get the chance to follow along with your journey on your blog and see all of these fantastic children-- thanks so much for letting me live vicariously through you! I'm sure it's bittersweet to be leaving. I hope your trip home goes smoothly. God bless you, the other volunteers, the staff and all those wonderful children.